Friday, April 12, 2019

It's been a while, life as a mom, life as a christian

It's been years since I even posted on here, I honestly forgot about it for sometime but then I was at church...yeah I go to church now and my pastor said "Hey I heard you're a blogger, or you do blogger stuff" and although blogger/vlogger is passed around these days like candy on halloween; it did make me think about this blog I started long before I was a mom. Oh yeah by the way I'm a mommy now. We had our daughter on July 10, 2016. I won't share my gruesome delivery story or my two and a half years of injections to repair the damage it left behind because may not want to have kids of your own after hearing it but I will say it was all totally worth it.

There she is, isn't she beautiful? Times were simpler when she slept. Now she's a full grown rampant toddler with the mouth of her mother and the courage of her father, all I can say is our hands are FULL. 
Lots of people lately have been asking "so anymore kids for you guys?" "when is baby number 2 coming?" Honestly guys I have no clue, somedays I think bring it on! One more won't hurt, I can totally do it and other days..days like today I thank god that she is an only child and he knows what I can handle. There is nothing easy or blissful about parenthood when you're a stay at home parent down in the trenches of potty training and fighting a head cold from hell. Meanwhile said potty training child woke up way too early an then refused to take a nap, so every, and I mean EVERYthing is making her cry.
 I love being a mom but that does not mean you are going to love every second of it, your patience will be tested daily and your grace will grow along side of it. I am so thankful God blessed me and made me the mother I am today and one day....someday we will have another by god's grace. 
For now I will learn to love every moment I get with my monster, the good and the bad. If you need a reminder to love your toddler like I did today then you should watch this short clip. 

Words by: messyfootprints

Also if it isn't clear already; we found christ! Holy cow we are born again christians. Who would have thought? I grew up completely agnostic and unsure of faith and my husband was raised catholic but was atheist. Well our first year into parenthood we found ourselves at a crossroad in our marriage and it became very clear we needed some Jesus in our lives, we were saved in August 2017 and baptized in November 2017. God has changed our lives and our outlook on our lives tremendously. Seriously guys we have experienced and witnessed miracles before ours eyes, and that brings us to Salt Lake City. I don't know what we are doing here; other than my husband is going to school but i know that god wanted us here. We came here on faith alone and even though it's only coming up on a year of being here, we have grown and learned a LOT.

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